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L'ombra della sovranità

Seminario in occasione del volume di Luigi Alfieri, Treccani 2021
30.04.2021 08:45

The CIR Team held a webinar on the topic of sovereignty in contemporary society. The event was called "L'ombra della sovranità" and drew inspiration from the recent publication of the book "L'ombra della sovranità. Da Hobbes a Canetti e ritorno" of Luigi Alfieri, who joined the discussion.
The webinar took place on the 30th April 2021, from 8.50 am to 5 pm., on the Webex platform. 

The event was chaired by Prof. Gianluigi Palombella and introduced by Prof. Anna Loretoni.

The discussion was divided into three parts:
- From 9 to 11.15 am the topic of the "Fondamenti della sovranità" was analyzed by Prof. Francesco d'Agostino and Prof. Giuliana Parotto (first session) and by Prof. Giulia Maria Labriola, Prof. Alessio Lo Giudice and Prof. Vincenzo Omaggio (second session)
- From 11.30 to 12.30 am Prof. Luca Baccelli, Prof. Francesco Mancuso and Prof. Fabrizio Sciacca discussed the problems of sovereignty conflicts ("Del Conflitto");
- After lunch, from 3 to 5 pm there were several speeches regarding the transition "Dall'antropologia negativa alla democrazia": firstly, Prof. Salvatore Amato and Prof. Francesco Zanetti discussed together this issue and, secondly, the topic was analyzed by Prof. Francesco De Sanctis and Prof. Luigi Alfieri, the author of the book.

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