Law and Inter-Legality

The CIR team is glad to announce that Tuesday, the 3rd of May 2022, from 4 to 6 pm, the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Florence will host a conference on Law and Inter-Legality, on the occasion the book L'Era dell'Inter-legalità (ed. by E. Chiti, A. di Martino and G. Palombella) and The Challenge of Inter-Legality (ed. by J. Klabbers and G. Palombella).
The event will be introduced by Prof. Andrea Simoncini (University of Florence) and discussed by Dr. Silvana Sciarra (Vice-President of the Italian Constitutional Court), Prof. Joseph Weiler (New York University) and Prof. Miguel Poiares Maduro (European University Institute and Católica Global Law School). Prof. Antonello Tancredi (University of Milan Bicocca) will be the moderator.
We are pleased to invite all to join us and to inform that the event will be held in-person. Those who cannot join us in Florence, can also follow the seminar online through webex. The link is also available at the bottom of the flyer.